engineering salaries

The salaries of engineers :

Imagine a Moscow engineer - a man with a higher engineering education and several years of experience in large-scale Russian production. What can he afford for his salary of 45 thousand rubles a month? To rent a one-room apartment for 25-30 thousand, to spend several thousand on travel and food. Such income allows you to survive in the city, but definitely not live. Even starting a family with such an income is a risky operation.

A few years ago a young engineer came to us for an interview. By the time of our acquaintance, he had already been expelled from Baumanka twice for poor progress. The reason was simple: there was not enough scholarship for life, this forced him to work, which, in turn, affected his studies. It was a vicious circle.

The guy was very talented and well versed in such things that experts with ten years of experience do not always understand. Nevertheless, no one wanted to take him to work. He was completely defeated, almost starving and asked for a salary of 20 thousand rubles. Not all colleagues he aroused trust, but we needed an electronic engineer, moreover, urgently. I believed in a guy, and we took him.

He has been successfully working with us so far, is developing electronics, and receives a good salary. In addition, we compensate him for housing costs as a particularly valuable and long-standing employee.

What would happen to him if he did not get into WayRay? He probably would have gone to work as a sales manager, there is at least some money in this industry. Or he would have worked as a mechanic at a car dealership, earned 50-60 thousand rubles. But in order to work as a locksmith, it is not necessary to have a higher technical education, most often paid in full by the state.

WayRay is not my first business, but I am still shocked by interviews with people who come to us for engineering jobs. I compare the salary expectations of candidates in IT, marketing and design with what engineers want to get, and I feel uneasy. For me, an engineer is a creative specialty. A person who solves engineering problems is a creator, unlike most programmers who often engage in routine.

But in the view of society, the opposite is true. For example, a mid-level programmer comes to us and says at the interview: “I want 150 thousand.” And I have to pay, because such salaries are normal for the market and the employer can’t get anywhere.

And the optician answers the question of salary expectations with a trembling voice: “50 thousand,” as if it were a lot. When you are silent in response, he, a little ashamed, makes excuses: he says that he now receives 35 thousand rubles a month at one of the leading Russian enterprises - something from the defense industry, aircraft manufacturing or space. He really likes his work, because it also depends on him how the rocket flies; He has a good education and a wealth of knowledge, but he simply does not have enough money for a living.

For More Information : engineering salaries

He is in extreme conditions for the survival of an engineer in Central Russia. He would be happy to continue to work for the good of the Motherland, but he really wants to eat. One must really passionately love his job in order to live on 35 thousand a month in Moscow.

The average salary of a developer in Moscow is 120-150 thousand rubles, the average salary of an engineer is 45 thousand.

It turns out that the average Moscow engineer earns 540 thousand rubles a year. Engineers at similar enterprises in the United States earn $ 110-150 thousand a year, in China and Europe the income is about the same, and in Germany even a little higher.


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