cloud services architect

Information services are increasingly abstracting from platform capabilities. The user wants to narrow his responsibility to the level of services he needs, forgetting about the software and the platform for their functioning. Following the IaaS and PaaS services, the market of SaaS, FaaS, fPaaS, CaaS services and microservices is developing - all of them are different levels of abstraction of the service received by the client.

Many enterprises are actively interested in such services due to reduced investments compared to on-premises solutions and the lack of platform costs. Following innovative companies, small businesses, financial and other industries became interested in such services.

The user of SaaS, FaaS, fPaaS, CaaS receives the desired services without thinking about their environment, infrastructure and workloads. The hardware part exists, it has the usual implementation, but the questions of its work are completely given to the service provider: it is in its competence to distribute the load on the system, scale and fault tolerance, organize protection of the infrastructure, regularly update it, and issues of physical functioning.

Below we will examine the difference between the concepts of SaaS, FaaS, fPaaS, CaaS, when and why are these solutions needed, what are the pros, cons, and risks they carry, what information security (IS) tools are available on the market .

About SaaS / FaaS / fPaaS / CaaS and Serverless Applications

SaaS is software as a service - a service model in which subscribers are provided with ready-made application software that is fully serviced by the provider. The provider in this model independently manages the application, providing customers access to functions from client devices, usually through a mobile application or web browser.

What is typical for this model: the user receives a specific ready-made set of services, he cannot add and add the function he needs. The feature-request mechanism is partly available, and, as you know, it requires financial justification, a roadmap and other mechanisms that slow down the implementation. Thus, the service is convenient if you need a standard set of services, for example, e-mail or file-sharing services.

Examples of popular services by SaaS model: Office 365, Gmail, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft SharePoint online, Microsoft OneDrive for business, Microsoft Teams.

An actively digitalizing enterprise often requires more flexible services - hence the advent of the FaaS model, or, better known in the development environment, “serverless applications”. A function is an environment for developing and running a customer application, such as Python, Java, Go, a PHP application, or a database. That is, you yourself can create the necessary function or software in an environment that is already ready for this.

Examples of services using the FaaS model (serverless applications) include Google App Engine, Yandex Cloud Functions, AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure Data Lake (database).

Everything seems to be convenient, but another unpleasant property arises - platform dependence. FaaS platforms have a specific implementation under the hood, and it is not standardized. Therefore, having developed applications for a specific FaaS platform, you cannot migrate it to another platform. In fact, you will need to rewrite the entire application again. Thus, a need arose for a more flexible service.

CaaS - Container as a Service (or sometimes this service option is called fPaaS - function PaaS) is an option for implementing a function in the form of a container, where the provider provides an environment for its functioning and mechanisms for calling and starting the function . Containers are platform independent within the same family of platforms (Linux, Windows), include all the necessary dependencies in the package, and therefore have the ability to quickly migrate and copy and, therefore, are easily scalable. At the same time, the necessary function is packaged, in fact, this is not a virtual server, as we used to see it in PaaS.

Popular forms of containerization: Docker, LXC, Rocket. Popular providers of fPaaS (CaaS) services: Google Container Engine (GKE), Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS), Azure Container Service (ACS).

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